School News
Visit our Levy website for factual information and regular updates. The FAQ list will be updated as questions arise. If at any time, you are looking for information that is not here, please email us at
- Englewood Hills Elementary
- Kleptz Early Learning Center
- Northmont High School
- Northmont Middle School
- Northmoor Elementary
- Northwood Elementary
- Union Elementary
Parent Conferences
Union Elementary’s third-quarter parent conferences are scheduled for the week of February 10th. We are excited to share the many successes happening in our school and appreciate the opportunity to partner with you in your child’s education. The key to a successful conference is open, two-way communication, and we look forward to discussing how we can make this year the best yet for our students. If you haven’t received your conference date and time, please reach out to your child’s teacher. We would love for all families to attend.
State Testing Dates
State testing is coming up, and here are the important dates:
- ELA Testing (Grades 3-6): April 2 – April 22
- Math Testing (Grades 3-6): April 21 – May 9
- 5th Grade Science Testing: TBT
Testing will take place in the morning, with sessions lasting between 75 to 105 minutes. It is important that students are present on their scheduled testing days. Please help ensure they are well-rested and ready to do their best.
All testing requires headphones. Please make sure your child has a working pair
News from the Nurse: Important Health Reminder:
Childhood illnesses like vomiting, diarrhea, and fevers are common, but it’s essential to take precautions to keep everyone healthy.
Before returning to school, your child should meet the following guidelines:
- Symptom-Free for at Least 24 Hours: No vomiting, diarrhea, or fever for at least 24 hours.
- No Fever-Reducing Medications: Your child should be fever-free for 24 hours without using medications like Tylenol or Advil.
- Back to Their Normal Self: Eating a regular diet and acting like their usual, playful self is a good sign they’re ready to return.
These measures help prevent the spread of contagious illnesses in our school. And don’t forget—the most effective way to stop the spread of germs is good hand washing!
Thank you for helping us keep our school community healthy!
- Englewood Hills Elementary
- Northmont City Schools
- Northmont High School
- Northmont Middle School
- Northmoor Elementary
- Northwood Elementary